Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

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Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

Questions : -  

  1. What scientific focus did you give?   
          Answer = Ptolemy
  2. Who was the first person to make spacewalk?
          Answer = Alexei Leonor
  3. In which city is the headquarters of ISRO located? 
          Answer = Bangalore
  4. What is the science of the study of planets, satellites and space?
           Answer = Astronomy
  5. Which scientist decided the mass of Pruthvi? 
            Answer = Cavendish
  6. Who was the world's first woman space traveler?
           Answer = Vereanti's Tireshkova
  7. What was the nationality of Tershkovo, the world's first woman space traveler, Valentina? 
           Answer = Russian 
  8. How much time does a Mercury take from a rotation around the Sun? 
           Answer = 88 days
  9. What was the world's first human care?
           Answer = Vastok 1
  10. Who was the world's first male space traveler?  
           Answer = Yuri Gagarin 

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Gujarat police constable exam. gujexamguruji