Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

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Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

Questions : -  

  1. English M or W What is the name tarajuthanum looked like?
           Answer = Sharmishtha
  2. What is the name of a blood pressure measurement device?
           Answer = Siggmomanometer
  3. Who makes enzymes in the human body?
           Answer = Nucleic Acid
  4. What was the name of the first spacecraft sent to Mars?
           Answer = Path Fighter
  5. Who is called the Smriticles?
           Answer = Yakutu and Spiral
  6. What is the science of the study of planets, satellites and space?
           Answer = Astronomy
  7. How many percent water is there in blood juices?  
           Answer = 90%
  8. What is potassium carbonate called Beja?
           Answer = Pearl Ash
  9. Who was the first person to make spacewalk?
           Answer = Alexei Leonor
  10. Who is known as the father of alchemical science?
           Answer = Leiyasiye

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Gujarat police bharti vigyan.