Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

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Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

Questions : -  

  1. How long does it take to get around the Sun around proximity?
         Answer = 365.25  days
  2. Which is the first to detect a comet?
         Answer = Halle Comet
  3. What is the Milky Way released belt in the sky?  
         Answer = galaxy
  4. What is the speed of light?
         Answer = In real life
  5. What was the name of the first spacecraft sent to Mars?
          Answer = Path Fighter
  6. When was the establishment of ISRO?
         Answer = 15 August 1969
  7. What are the events happening in the tromps due to the stars?
         Answer = Verb
  8. English M or W What is the name tarajuthanum looked like?
        Answer = Sharmishtha
  9. Which day does the solar eclipse happen?
         Answer = Amas day
  10. Which day does the lunar eclipse happen? 
            Answer = The day of the day of worship

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