Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

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Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

Questions : - 

  1. How many percent water is there in blood juices?  
           Answer = 90%
  2. What is the cell's cell phone?
           Answer = Kanyasutrautra
  3. Who is called the Smriticles?
           Answer = Yakutu and Spiral
  4. What is the air in the flash bulb?
            Answer = Nitrogen gas
  5. What is potassium carbonate called Beja?
             Answer = Pearl Ash
  6. What form of gallium usually exists?
           Answer = Fluid
  7. What is used to dissolve the metals?
           Answer = Florespread
  8. Which metal is known as a false gold?
           Answer = Iron Pyrites
  9. Who is known as the father of alchemical science?
           Answer = Leiyasiye
  10. How many carats gold has in gold ornaments? 
            Answer = 22

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