Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

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Gujarat Police constable exam science questions

Questions : -  

  1.  How many percent of human body is made of protein?
        Answer = 15%
  2.  Who makes enzymes in the human body?
        Answer = Nucleic Acid
  3.  By what name is the pituitary gland identified? 
        Answer = Master's Gland (Magnificent)
  4.  What is the name of a blood pressure measurement device?
        Answer = Siggmomanometer
  5.  How many beads are there in the universe?
         Answer = 33
  6.  What does the abnormal evolution of white cells say?
        Answer = Leukemia
  7.  What is the body's largest gland?
        Answer = Yakutu
  8.  How much is the weight of an adult human brain?
       Answer = 1350 - 1400 grams
  9.  Which blood group is the creator?
        Answer = O bloodgroup
  10.  Which blood group is comprehensive?
        Answer = AB bloodgroup

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