Gujarat Police constable exam computer.

Gujarat Police exam computer pdf.

Gujarat Sachivalay, Binsachivalay, Police, Talati, GPSC, Bank, GSRTC, Forest, .... all exam imp computer questions


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Some important questions for the computer

  1.   What is the full name of KBPS ?
        Answer = Kilobits P er Second
  2.   1 Kbps = _______ bits
        Answer = 1000 bits
  3.   1 KB = _______ bytes
        Answer = 1024
  4.   What is the full name of the OS ?
         Answer = Operating System
  5.   What is the full name of ISP ?
         Answer = Internet Service Provider
  6.   What is the full name of IP ?
        Answer = Internet Protocol 
  7.   What is the type of memory in a computer?
        Answer = 2
  8.   What is a cable encapsulated around copper wire?
         Answer = Coaxial Cable
  9.   Which domain is used for network service organizations?
         Answer = .net
  10.   What is the cell that has a cursor in the cell?
           Answer = Active cell
  11.   What does the window screen say?
           Answer = Desktop 
  12.   Where is a minimized file?
           Answer = In the taskbar
  13.   What is the name of the document?
           Answer = Titlebar
  14.   .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov What's all?
           Answer = Domain name
  15.   What is a group of rules?
           Answer = Protocol 
  16.   What is the second name of the folder?
           Answer = directory 
  17.   How many people can be sent to e-mailsimultaneously?
           Answer = as much as possible
  18.   What do you need to go to write an e-mailmessage?
           Answer = compose ( Compose )
  19.   What is the response to the immediate response to E-mail ?
           Answer = Reply ( Reply )  
  20.   What part of the computer can be seen and touched?
           Answer = Hardware
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